Monday, January 19, 2009

Finding the Lessons in Life

I believe that with everything we do in life, every choice will result in a life lesson learned.
I have learned that the lessons in my life that have been the most painful, are the lessons that made me grow the most. The hardest part is understanding why? Why did I need this lesson and then to figure out the next direction to move so that I can continue moving forward on my spiritual path. Not all life lessons are dramatic, or life changing in a drastic way, some are subtle, maybe just a turn in a new direction because I got off course of the focus or intent. So, I am open to what the message may be, and I always have to remind myself, it is for my greater good.
So, the next time you have a life situation come up, that stops you in your tracks, or one that just simply annoys you, stop and think-What is the lesson to be learned from this? Knowing that people and events come into our lives to move us forward.
Hugs and Blessings,

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