Thursday, April 15, 2010

Being Our Own Role Models

When I read this title on the Daily OM all I could say was YES! This statement is so true, but do we practice this in our lives. Think about the women in your life, at every corner, do you encourage and respect them, honor their opinion, help them if they are in need, listen honestly to their problems, and lend a helping hand when you can. I think sometimes we as women have expectations about how we should be treated by other women and are usually less patient with each other because of the high expectation. I know for myself, I work on this constantly because I feel that women know other women. We have at all times experienced the same things because we are women. There is that bond of I know how you feel, I've been there. By having my Goddess Gatherings in my home, I know that I am living the talk I talk. This is such a divine calling for me, and I feel it's what I am meant to do. To connect women with each other,to talk, share and build a bond of comfort and trust with each other. These gatherings where friends come together in my home and bring their friends for the evening as well, is so important to the emotional connecting and bonding of women. So I feel that on those magical nights when we all gather together, we all are being role models for each other and how wonderful this is.

Hugs and Blessings,
